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Debt - Resources

In addition to our 'where to get help' free information, you will also find a number of free downloads to get you underway with overcoming your debt issues.

Why pay for help if it is available free?

Practically all the easy to find, advertised debt help services online, in the newspapers and telephone directories are private businesses. It is common for women to be worried by debt and getting up the courage to access help online or offline can be daunting. After building up the courage to deal with the situation, there is often nothing more disappointing than finding out that these are fee charging services. Quite often these businesses can do little more to help than the free services that are provided.
Northern Territory
Anglicare Nothern Territory Counselling Service 
08 8948 2700 or 08 8985 0000
Somerville Community Services (Darwin Area ) 
08 8920 4100
Tangentyre Council (Alice Springs Area)
08 8951 4222
Financial Counselling Association of Queensland 
07 332 13192
New South Wales
The Credit & Debt Hotline 
1800 808 488
Financial Counsellors Association of NSW 
1300 914 408
Credit Helpline 
1800 808 488
Aboriginal Legal Services (NSW/ACT)
02 8842 8000
Australian Capital Territory Care Financial Counselling Service 
02 6257 1788
Financial & Consumer Rights Council
03 9663 2000
Consumer Affairs
1300 55 8181
Anglicare Financial Counselling Service 
03 6223 2500
South Australia 
Uniting Care Wesley
08 8202 5111
Child Youth and Family Services
08 8226 7000
Consumer Credit Solicitor at Hobart Community Legal Service 
03 6223 2500 or 1800 232 500
Western Australia
Financial Counsellors Resource Project
08 9221 9411
Consumer Credit Legal Service
08 9481 7665
Financial Counsellors Association of WA
08 9325 1617
Online services
Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman
Combined Community Legal Centres NSW
Consumber Action Law Centre VIC (CALC)
Consumers Online
Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON)
www.fido.asic.gov.au (Australian Securities & Investments Commission)
Law and Justice Foundation NSW
National Association of Community Legal Centres
Legal Aid Commission NSW
Office of Fair Trading NSW

Free PDF downloads of various information regarding debt


Small claims tribunal of Australia

Calculating bills

Small claims tribunals of Australia



Bankruptcy or debt agreement

 Calculating billsThis PDF download will take you through the important points concerning debt agreements.

Bankruptcy or Debt Agreement



Letter to claim back bank charges - Step by step guide and link to template forms

Calculating bills

 Letter to claim back bank charges (All  Australia except Victoria)

 Letter  to claim back bank charges (Victoria)


Dealing with Debt - This PDF download is provided by ACCC & ASIC and is a comprehensive guide to dealing with your debt.

Calculating bills

 Dealing with debt  ASIC



Debt Collection Guidelines - This PDF download is provided by ACCC & ASIC. This document contains the guidelines governing debt collection. When in debt it is common for women to feel hounded and brow beaten by phone calls or mail about that debt. Refer to this document to establish if the debt collection process is within the guidelines set out by the ACCC & ASIC.

Calculating bills

 ACCC-ASIC Debt CollectionGuideline




Disclaimer: All the information above is provided as a service for individuals and institutions. It should in no way be construed as a recommendation as an investment. Investment decisions should be based on the risk tolerance and planning horizon of the investor. Market participants must understand that past performance is also not a guarantee or predictor of future results.